Blight Bud
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Blight Bud (2019 Gold)

Not rated yet
  • $8.00
In Stock (2 items available) (Sold directly by TD Tavern; in stock and ready to ship)

This is a Blight Bud (Monster Trophy).

The token text is: Ingredient for making Transmuted items

It does not take up any slot on your character (slotless). .

This token can be used by any character class.

This token can be used to create the following Combo/Relic/Legendary token(s): Bead of the Lucky Traveler, Charm of Timely Aid, Gem of Last Hope, Orion's Belt, Ring of Fervor and Ring of Stamina.

This token was pulled from the treasure box after a run.

Information about this token is based on information in the official True Dungeon TokenDB (click here to find out more about this token).

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